Thai pink apple – chumu

Thai pink apple – how it tastes, how it looks and how it differs from an ordinary apple.

A pink apple is loved not only in Thailand. Often in the markets and in China stores you can find this fruit. Despite the name, a pink apple can be light green, pink or even burgundy.

A pink apple is loved not only in Thailand. Often in the markets and in China stores you can find this fruit.
Despite the name, a pink apple can be light green, pink or even burgundy.

Thai apple, paradoxically, has very little in common with apples.

  1. Firstly, it seems Thai apple more on a pear than on an apple.
  2. And secondly, ChMPU fruits are growing on the evergreen tree of the Mirtov family.

The Thai apples from East India are born, but in our time we spread throughout the tropical world from Australia to Peru.
Another name of the Thai apple is the Malabar plum. So ChMPU is an apple, a plum, and a pear at the same time.
And what is the Thai apple to taste? Honestly, nothing special or unusually tasty.
CHMPU is quite watery and slightly sour. There is no special aroma. Orders are much tastier.

The apple does not need any preliminary cleaning or processing – it can eat it entirely along with the peel.

But the pink apple with his juicy pulp perfectly quenches thirst. This feature explains the fact that ChMPU is very popular in the countries of Southeast Asia.

They eat a pink apple in Thailand fresh, they make jams and fruit salads from them.