Zhamnov: “Sergey Fedorov also has a dubious test. Now negative. " Sport-Express

The head coach of the Russian national team Alexei Zhamnov, before the start of the hockey tournament at the Olympics in Beijing, noted that he had many more questions about the national team.

Zhamnov: “Sergey Fedorov also has a dubious test. Now negative

The head coach of the Russian national team Alexei Zhamnov, before the start of the hockey tournament at the Olympics in Beijing, noted that he had many more questions about the national team.

Zhamnov also said that assistant Sergei Fedorov had a dubious Coronavirus test.

– Kovalchuk said that it is not known whether there will be a match with Latvia. How do you need it at all?

– Any friendly match will give more answers to all questions.

– What questions have remained?

– There are many questions. We wanted to see all the options, tactical solutions. When the guys play against each other, they know everyone, but here I would like to play against another team.

– Why wasn't Sergey Fedorov?

– He also has a doubtful one. Now negative.

– Kudashov conducts training, gives out tasks. Does he have such a role?

– Yes, everyone has their own roles and their own front of work. All players know what they are responsible for. But when there are a lot of conductors on ice, then this is also wrong. And we look, prompt.

The men's hockey tournament will begin on February 9th. The Russian team at the group stage will play with Switzerland (February 9), with Denmark (February 11) and the Czech Republic (February 12).