Pavel Khudyakov settled in a pre-trial detention center – VESTI / Tambov

Pavel Khudyakov settled in a pre-trial detention center Today, the Leninsky District Court of Tambov chose a measure of restraint for Pavel Khudyakov. The former sports director of FC Tambov is accused of embezzlement

Pavel Khudyakov settled in a pre-trial detention center

Today, the Leninsky District Court of Tambov chose a measure of restraint for Pavel Khudyakov. The former sports director of FC Tambov is accused of embezzlement of budget money allocated for the football team.

Accompanied by an escort, he went up to the fifth floor, it was clear that he was having a hard time, and went into the courtroom. Due to the fact that the investigation was still at the very beginning, it was forbidden to film the process itself, so as not to reveal all the details of the case. After hearing the views of the parties, the judge announced a break and retired to the deliberation room. After about an hour, the meeting continued, and the judge announced the verdict, from which it followed that Pavel Khudyakov could be involved in the theft of 10 million rubles. According to the police, the detainee should be placed in a pre-trial detention center.

The court ruled to elect Khudyakov Pavel Borisovich in the form of detention in SIZO No. 1 of the city of Tambov for 2 months, which is calculated from November 24, 2021 to January 23, 2022 inclusive,

– Irina Kapustina, judge of the Leninsky District Court. Pavel Khudyakov will now be next door to Olga Konovalova, the former general director of the club, whose term of detention was extended. Although the sports functionary's defense side has time to appeal the court's decision and ask the second instance to change the measure of restraint to house arrest. But, as practice shows, Khudyakov, most likely, will have to get used to the atmosphere of the pre-trial detention center.

Pavel, where are these 10 million about which the judge said? -What? – 10 million, about which the judge said, you are accused of stealing 10 million? – I can not say anything,