In France, they demand to deprive St. Petersburg matches of the European Championship – | News

The impression of Turkey is part 1

The French edition of Le Monde made a statement that demanded to deprive St. Petersburg the right to hold the matches of the European Championship-2020 in football.

In France, they demand to deprive St. Petersburg matches of the European Championship

French edition

Le monde

It made a statement that demanded to deprive St. Petersburg the right to hold the matches of the European Championship-2020 in football.

Such a statement is associated with the landing of the Ryanair aircraft, Vilnius flying the flight of Athena. The board made an emergency landing in Minsk after a message about mining, which, as it became known later, was false. At the same time, two passengers were detained on the flight-the founder of the opposition Telegram channel Nexta Roman Protasevich and his girlfriend, Russian Sophia Sapga.

According to the position of the publication, this did not happen without the intervention of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Euro 2020 is planned to be held from June 11 to July 11, 2021. At the group stage, the Russian team will meet with the teams of Finland, Belgium and Denmark.

The impression of Turkey is part 1

The tournament was supposed to be held from June 12 to July 12, 2020 in 12 cities of the continent, however, due to the pandemic of coronavirus, he was postponed for the next summer. The matches of the championship were to be accepted by London, Munich, Baku, Rome, St. Petersburg, Bucharest, Dublin, Copenhagen, Glasgow, Budapest, Bilbao and Amsterdam, but Dublin could not provide guarantees for matches with the audience and his games were moved to St. Petersburg. Those games that were supposed to be held in Bilbao Spanish were transferred to Seville.

Earlier it was reported that football players and coaching staff of the Russian national football team

passed the tests of the PCR

Turkey is one of the most popular recreation countries in our time. Its popularity can be explained not only by the accessibility in material terms, profitable offers and the neighborhood of countries, but also with a pure warm sea, soft climate and interesting cultural traditions. Of course, each of us coming to rest does not want to deny ourselves, strengthen our health, have fun and come off in full, and even return with profitable acquisitions (by the way, my parents brought me a beautiful leather jacket this year). In most cases, all this depends on the correct choice of a tour operator and a hotel. We rested with one of the largest tourist operators in Turkey-Anextour, and our hotel was Life Green Hill Hotel HV-1, which is located 10 km from Alania and is located on the seashore. We have not determined the star of the hotel. The tour operator sells it as 5*, on the Internet it is more common that the hotel is 4*.

, reported in the Telegram channel of the national team.

The statement notes that all the results were negative. Also, on May 31, the Doping Control inspectors who took tests from ten football players in the framework of the extra-permanent control.Vpechatlenie_ot_turtsii_chast_1

The impression of Turkey is part 1

The first part of the trip to Turkey in June 2012 from the Anextour tour operator to the Life Green Hill Hotel HV-1 hotel: the hotel, description of the hotel.